How to submit your journal article

How to submit your journal article
Please submit all new articles through the 'Submit articles' for the relevant journal. If you are a new writer, you need to set up an account before you submit your first article. Before you submit your article, please read 'What we are looking at your article'.
Please make sure that you include all the necessary information about your article. You will first be asked to select the type of articles for your paper, to enter a title and abstract, and then to select a few key words. Please note that if your article is accepted for publication, we will display these keywords in the article published.
You will then be prompted to enter your author information. Please include all authors (if there are less than 10). We recommend that you use the full name of the author and ORCID identifiers to avoid ambiguity. Note that you can check whether the existing co-author of the journal database by entering the email address author.
You can also propose referees favored (and unwelcome) when filed. Suggested referees must have the appropriate subject expertise and do not have a conflict of interest (please see zambrut ethics policy for the journal for more information about conflicts of interest). These suggestions will be considered, but the editorial staff and / or the Editorial Board will make the final decision regarding the selection of referees.
Any relevant information that may affect how the handling of paper can be provided in a covering letter. This may include highlights something very important or important about their research, and information about an earlier version of this paper submitted to the journal at this time or to another journal.
You will be asked to provide information about all the funding associated with your job. It's important for you to include this information because it helps you to meet the requirements of your donors and make your research easier to find. Please find Funder Open your Registry for funding agencies, and provide a number of grants.
You are then required to choose between publishing under an open access license gold or by subscription, to declare whether you have to reproduce previously published material or not in your submissions, and to confirm that you want the paper that you received are available. online within 24 hours of receipt.
Finally, prior to submit your article, you are required to confirm that you have read and understood the zambrut ethics policy for the journal, and that your submission in accordance with its provisions.
Upload file: to make shipping easy as possible for you, when submit new articles, we simply ask you to upload a PDF file (and additional data relevant) for your article. PDF must contain your full paper, including embedded images and tables. You can upload your articles on the arXiv directly by entering an e-print arXiv. Please also submit any licenses that you have acquired at this stage.

If you are having problems in your article submit it online, please contact the journal to help.
Please note, does not charge you to submit articles. If there is a publication fee to be paid (for open access, color printing, or the cost of the page), this will be explained to you at the time of delivery, and paid at the time accepted for publication.

Files that you need to submit the initial shipment is:
1. PDF of full paper for review (designated 'Complete Document for Review (PDF Only)), which contains the name and author of the institution, as well as embedded images and tables in the text. Authors are asked to consider the need for clarity and readability when choosing the type of column, line spacing, font size, and layout when preparing a PDF, to help pengulas. 2 All licenses that you have acquired at this stage of it. 3 Data complementary fit (see below for details about the appropriate file).
We encourage you to submit additional data file with your paper. If you submit video files, most of the standard file format suitable: an animated GIF, AVI, MPG, etc. However, we strongly recommend video files sent in video container, which is encoded with H264 codec. Other formats are allowed, but using the video rendering will give you the most loyal in the journal article HTML.
Video files must each measuring a maximum of 10 MB. Exceptions can be made in cases where a larger file is very important for the science presented.

Publishing considered for publication in our journal articles are:
It's important for you to consider whether you have enough new results before starting to plan and write a journal to be submitted to the journal zambrut. Reported additional steps forward from a previous job is usually not enough.
Article based on the thesis for a higher degree can be sent. You must be careful to ensure that the article is prepared in the research journal format, which is more compact than that corresponding to the thesis.
The articles reported that the work originally presented at a conference may be submitted, provided that these articles do not appear substantially in the same form in the conference process are reviewed by peers. Again, you should make use of research journal format. The length of the article should also be in accordance with the content. If in doubt, please check the relevant journal.
Statements that are not available to the general public are not considered by zambrut as the previous publication. Many journals published by zambrut to consider various types of research journal articles in addition to regular, including a special edition articles, topical reviews, comments and replies. However, please check through the homepage of the journal that your article is the kind of article that is acceptable and appropriate scope prior to shipment.
All articles judged only by its scientific capabilities. Consideration without consideration given to all manuscripts offered for publication, regardless of whether the author requested publication based gold open access and regardless of race, gender, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality, political philosophy, sexual orientation, age or reputation of the author.
We treat all articles submitted as confidential until published and will only be shared with the umpires, board members, editors, and zambrut staff directly involved in the peer review of the article. (An exception to this is if it is necessary to share the article with additional external parties to investigate the possibility of ethics policy violations.)
You should consider the best way to arrange your articles before you start writing. If you want to use LaTeX template to format your paper (this is optional, you are not required to do so) then the files are available in zip format and Unix tar gzipped format here. Your article should follow the Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion systems, and usually consists of the following parts (F-Febii Journal, 2017):

The title should be short, informative, and meaningful for all readers of the journal. It should include key terms, to help make it easier to find when people search for online. Please avoid the use of systemic long names and abbreviations, acronyms or symbols that are not standard or unclear.

A list of all full author names and institutions. Writers in all zambrut journals have the option to enter names in Chinese characters, Japanese or Korean in addition to English names. The name is shown in parentheses after the name of the English language. We recommend you identification ORCID for all writers to avoid ambiguity. If the authors address different from the address currently it is carried out, this should be explained in a footnote. Note: this only applies if you are sent to a single-blind review journal. If you are sent to the journal double-blind, please do not include information identifying the author in your paper.

When you submit articles, you will be asked to provide some of the keywords that are relevant to your work. If your article is accepted for publication, we will display these keywords in the article published, and they will be used to index your article, to help make it easier to find. When choosing keywords, think about the kind of terms that you would use when searching for relevant articles online.

Your abstract should give the reader a brief summary of your article. It should briefly describe the content of your article, and include key terms (especially in the first two sentences, to improve the ability to find a search engine). It must be informative, accessible and not only shows the general purpose and scope of the article, but also stated the methodology used, the main results obtained and the conclusions drawn. Abstracts must be complete in itself; should not contain acronyms / abbreviations that are not specified and there is no table number, number of images, references or equations that must be referenced. This should correspond to the services included directly in the abstract and generally should not exceed 300 words. Some journals ask the abstract to follow a certain structure.

It should be short and describe the nature of the problem under investigation and background. It also should organize your work in the context of previous research, quoting the relevant reference. Introductions should be extended with the terms and abbreviations used in the article is very special to make it accessible to readers.

This section should provide sufficient details of the experiment, simulation, statistical tests or analyzes carried out to produce results such that the method can be repeated by other researchers and the results are reproducible.

The results section should detail the main findings and the results of your research. You should use the table only to improve brevity or when the information can not be provided satisfactorily by other means such as a histogram or graph. Tables must be numbered and referenced in the text by numbers (Table 1, etc.). Each table should have a title explaining to a level as possible.

It should discuss the importance of the results and compare them with previous work using the relevant reference.

This section should be used to highlight the novelty and significance of the work, and any plans for the relevant work in the future.

Thank-you note
All authors and co-authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest when submit articles (eg, work, consulting fees, research contracts, ownership, patent licensing, fees, affiliate advisors, etc.). This information must be included in the acknowledgments section at the end of the paper (before the reference section). All sources of financial support for the project should also be disclosed in the acknowledgments section. Name of the funding agencies and grant numbers should be given, for example: This work was partially funded by the National Institutes of Health through a grant to the National Cancer Institute. When filling out the online submission form, we also ask you to choose a donor and give the number of grants to help you meet the requirements of your funders.