How published in international journals

How published in international journals
Journal editors share their advice on how to make a journal, write a cover letter - and awkward to handle feedback from reviewers
Writing for the highly competitive international journals. Even if you overcome the first hurdle and generate ideas and valuable research work - how do you then summarize it in a way that will interest reviewers?
There is no simple formula for publication - editor expectations can vary between and within the field of study. But there are challenges to be faced all academic writers regardless of their discipline. How should you respond to feedback reviewers? Is there a correct way to prepare the paper? And should you always bother revise and submit it back? We asked the editor of the journal from a variety of backgrounds to tip them for publication.

writing stage
1) Focus on the story develops logically, not chronologically
Take time to write a journal even before you think of the presentation logic. When writing, focus on the story develops logically, rather than chronological order your own experiments.

2) Do not try to write and edit at the same
Open the file in the PC and enter the sub-headings and your posts and then fill in under one of the headings in which you have an idea to do so. If you reach your daily goal (mine 500 words) write down other ideas as points and stop writing; then use those points to start the next day.
If you write and can not think of the right words (eg for elephants) do not worry - write (long nose of an animal) and continue - to come back later and get the correct term. Write do not be edited; if not, you lose the flow.

3) Do not bury your argument like a needle in a haystack
If someone asked you to describe your journal bus quickly, can you do it with everyday language clear? This clear argument will appear in the abstract and the first paragraph (even the first line) of your journal. Do not make us hunt for your argument like a needle in a haystack. If hidden on page seven it will only make us upset. Oh, and make sure your argument runs along a different part of this journal and combining theory and empirical material.

4) Ask a colleague to check your work
One of the problems faced by the journal's editors are poorly written journal. Perhaps the author's first language is not English and they have not been trying hard to correct the mold. It may be very difficult to know what is going on in an article if the language and bad sintaksis.

5) Published by writing a review or comment
Writing a review is a good way to publish - especially for people who are in the early stages of their careers. This is an opportunity to practice writing paper for publication, and get a copy of the book you want for free. We publish more review than a journal so that we continue to look for reviewers.
Some journals, including our journal, published a reply to a journal that has been published in the same journal. Editor quite like to publish a reply to a previous journal for stimulating discussion.

6) Do not forget about international journal readers
We get people who write of Americans who assume everyone knows the American system - and the same thing happened with a British writer. Because we are an international journal, we need writers to enter the international context.

7) Do not try to cram your PhD in writing 6,000 words
Sometimes people want to throw it all at once and achieve many goals. We get people who are trying to tell us their entire PhD in 6,000 words and it did not work. More experienced writers will write two or three journals of the project, using a specific aspect of their research as a hook.

8) Select the appropriate journal: it's a bad sign if you do not recognize any editorial board
Check to see if your article is within the scope of the journal you submit. It seems very obvious but it is surprising how many articles submitted to the journal entirely inappropriate. It's a bad sign if you do not recognize the names of members of the editorial board. Ideally, look at a number of current issues to ensure that the article was published on the same topic and have a similar quality and impact.

9) Always follow the correct delivery procedures
Often the author does not spend 10 minutes it takes to read instructions to authors who spend a lot of time for writers and editors and prolong the process when it is not necessary to

10) Do not repeat your abstract in the covering letter.
We looked into a letter of introduction to an indication from you about what you think the most interesting and significant about the journal, and why do you think it is suitable for the journal. No need to repeat the abstract or read the journal entries in detail - we will read the journal itself to find out what it says. The cover letter is to outline a larger image, plus any other information you would like us to have.

11) A common reason is lack of context rejection
Make sure that it is clear where the research you are in the wider scientific journal landscape, and gaps in knowledge are addressed. Common reasons for rejected after peer review article is the lack of context or lack of clarity about why this research is important.

12) Do not mention your methodology
Ethnography seems to be a trendy method at this time, so many articles submitted claims based on it. However, closer inspection reveals a very limited interview data and standards. Some of the interviews in the cafe is not an ethnography. Be clear - since the beginning - about the nature and scope of your data collection. The same thing applies to the use of theory. If the theoretical insights useful for your analysis, use it consistently throughout the argument and your text.

13) In response to direct (and quietly) reviewer's comments
When submit this journal after revision, include a detailed document that summarizes all the changes suggested by the reviewers, and how you have to change your paper from that standpoint. Stick to the facts, and do not shout. Do not respond to reviewers feedback as soon as you get it. Read it, think of a few days, discuss with others, and then make a response.

14) Revise and submit back: do not give up after going through all the major hurdle
You'd be surprised how many writers who received the letter "and resubmit the revised standard" never actually do it. But it was worth doing - some of the writers who were asked to undertake a major revision to survive and eventually published their work, but others, who have far less to do, never submit back. It seems silly to pass major hurdle in article writing, past editor of the peer review and come back only to then give up.

15) It is acceptable to challenge reviewers, with good justification
Acceptable to reject a proposed reviewers to alter component of your article if you have a good justification, or to (politely) argue why reviewers are wrong. Rational explanation would be accepted by the editor, especially if it's clear you have considered all the feedback received and receives a portion of it.

16) Think how quickly you want to see your journal published
Some journals are ranked higher than others so the risk of rejection you would be bigger. People need to think about whether they need to see their work published quickly - because of certain journals will be longer. Some journals, such as our journal, also make access in advance so that after the article appeared on the website received the journal. This is important if you are preparing for a job interview and need to show that you can be published.

17) Remember: when you read the journals published you only see the finished article
Publish in top journals is a challenge for everyone, but it may seem easier for others. When you read the journal published, you see the finished article, not a first draft, or the first revision and resubmit, or version intermediary - and you never see failures.